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Understand the precautions of two-color reflective mulch


  Two-color reflective mulchIt is usually made by blow molding and casting. Blow-molded polyethylene film is formed by blow-molding blow-molded polyethylene particles with a blow molding machine, with low cost and wide application. It is a translucent, smooth and soft film. It has excellent chemical stability, heat sealability, water and humidity resistance, freezing resistance and boiling resistance. Next, Qingzhou Luhong Plastic Co., Ltd. will introduce the precautions for this product.

1. Due to the orientation of stretched molecules, this film has good physical stability, mechanical strength, air tightness, high transparency and high gloss, toughness and abrasion resistance.

2. The main disadvantage of biaxial stretching is poor heat sealing performance, so it is generally used as the outer film of composite film, such as moisture-proof, transparent, high strength, hardness and printability after being composited with polyethylene film, suitable for dry food Filling. Due to the non-polar surface of the biaxially oriented polypropylene film, the crystallinity is high, the surface free energy is low, and the printing performance is poor.

3. The external damage of the two-color reflective mulch is still an important factor affecting the service life of the agricultural film. For example, when the installation of agricultural film is not tight, when the wind comes, the agricultural film will bulge and constantly beat the skeleton, causing damage to the agricultural film; the plastic film is easy to cut after the aging bamboo pole is broken. Therefore, in daily management, we must pay attention to these details.

4. In high temperature weather, agricultural film is prone to aging and damage. Agricultural film is the part that is in contact with the skeleton, which is easy to form hot spots, and the high temperature can reach 80°C. Vegetable farmers can use white plastic tape to tie the frame and film contact point to avoid high temperature damage to the agricultural film.

5. Pesticides, such as sulphur or chlorine-containing pesticides and agricultural film pesticides, will destroy the stability of agricultural film. Vegetable farmers should be careful not to spray on the film when spraying the back of the leaves.

6. The different components of the two-color reflective mulch affect each other. In the last season, the greenhouse used PVC film. If the agricultural film is to be replaced with EVA film in the next season, pay attention to remove the PVC film on the left and right sides of the shed wall to avoid accelerated aging after the two films contact.

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